Recipe for happiness

Everybody needs a carrot to go one step beyond

Doesn't matter if you eat it or not. As long as the eyes are focused on the carrot, you may go one step forward. And that's always enough!

This is a blog, about all the small pleasures in life.. and the greatest of all; Food!

Interesting recipes from Greece and all over the world, amazing deco ideas, inspiring art, fabulous trends, cute handmade stuff, dreamy destinations, a clever line, a funny thought...

Anything that makes me go... wow! and makes me smile, can be... my carrot.

After all, happiness is a piece of cake!
A carrot cake!

Take a bite!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Next Stop; Belgium! Happy, stressed and excited!!!!


Beautiful Limburg!!!


20- 24 of May i will be in beautiful Limburg!
I am gonna participate in the Shotokan Karate International Tournament in Belgium!!! I can't wait to be there!!! (although i am already stressed...:))

Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Οκ έκλεισε! Σε δύο μήνες παω Βέλγιο (πρώτα ο Θεός) για το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα Καράτε!!! Θα γυρίσω με πολλές φωτογραφίες, συνταγές και σίγουρα... ξε-αγχωμένη!


  1. For many time i want to visit Belgium!!
    Thank you for your comment on my blog! Your words are warm up my heart!
    Buona Pasqua!

  2. εσύ ξε-αγχωμένη???? αυτό δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω!!!



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