Recipe for happiness

Everybody needs a carrot to go one step beyond

Doesn't matter if you eat it or not. As long as the eyes are focused on the carrot, you may go one step forward. And that's always enough!

This is a blog, about all the small pleasures in life.. and the greatest of all; Food!

Interesting recipes from Greece and all over the world, amazing deco ideas, inspiring art, fabulous trends, cute handmade stuff, dreamy destinations, a clever line, a funny thought...

Anything that makes me go... wow! and makes me smile, can be... my carrot.

After all, happiness is a piece of cake!
A carrot cake!

Take a bite!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Red // Κόκκινο



Νομίζω οτι το πήρα πιο κατάκαρδα και από τον Μέσι.
Γιατί χθες, δεν ήταν καλύτεροι οι Γερμανοί.  Αυτά.
photos via pinterest


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