Hello my friends! Today is my name day so this is what i prepared for you! Ok i know it's a bit difficult to eat my churros via screen, but you can easily make them at your home. I mean it is amazingly easy, although you have ''the fry thing'' which is not always the best thing to do in the kitchen...! But it totally worth a shot, so if you have some butter, flour, chocolate, eggs, sugar and cinammon... there you go. You can have churros in no time.
Churros with chocolate sauce recipe
For the churros
120 gr butter
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup flour
3 eggs, room temperature
sunflower oil, enough for deep frying
1 cup of sugar mixed with 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
For the chocolate sauce
220 gr cream
170 gr chocolate of your choice
a pinch of salt
Mix the butter, sugar, water in a saucepan until boiling point. Low the temperature at medium low and add the flour in, all at once. Whisk vigorously until you have a dry mixture. Take the saucepan off the heat and add one egg -WHISK LIKE CRAZY- add the second- WHISK LIKE CRAZY- and the third one, until you have a nice dough. Leave aside.
Heat the sunflower oil in a large pan. While you do that make the chocolate sauce:
Warm the cream. Chop the chocolate into pieces. Pour the warm cream over the chopped chocolate. Wait for a minute. Then with a spatula, stir gently until you have a nice sauce. Leave aside.
Fill a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip (or not) to make the size you want for your churros. Pipe large churros or small bites over the hot oil. You can use a chop stick to straighten the shape of your churros while they are frying. You can do that the first minute you drop them in. After that you will brake them, so try to fix the shape as soon as possible. When they are golden brown, take the churros off the frying oil and lay them on a cooling rack for some seconds. While still warm, dip them in the sugar cinnamon mix. Serve warm.
recipe by use real butter